
Сообщения за февраль, 2019

The Sims 4 100 Baby Challenge #3

Okay, this is bottomline for 1st generation on this challenge - all Elune's children. First matriarch - Elune Kiaransalee Twins from Sergio Romeo - Nathanael and Eloise. Twins from Marcus Flex - Eliza and Camron. Triplets from Tyler Hoechlin - Kaila, Julia and Raul. Twins from Arun Bheeda - Yesenia and Ezra. Twins from Loki Odinson - Ashleigh and Lakeisha. Twins from Yuuji Kamijo - Elsa and Enzo. Son from Heechul Kim - Reese. Total count - 14 kids. New matriarch is Ashleigh Kiaransalee since youngest girl Elsa is a vampire.

The Sims 4 100 Baby Challenge #2

Okay, so all Elune's children from previous post successfully aged and moved out, and here are second part of her children! First - this is how her kids from Tyler Hoechlin look. As I mentioned, when Nathanael aged and moved out, Elune got pregnant from Arun Bheeda. As far as Eloise moved out before labour, Elune gave birth to twins - Ezra and Yesenia. I think they look much better than their father. Then Camron aged and Elune got pregnant from Loki Odinson (yeah, there are very interesting sims in my Gallery from where my game put them in worlds). Thanks all gods, Eliza aged and moved out before labour so Elune had twins again - Ashleigh and Lakeisha. Than Kaila and Raul aged and moved out so Elune got pregnant from Yuuji Kamijo. Turned out he's a vampire and one of twins Elune gave birth to is a vampire too - Elsa. Her twin brother Enzo is human. And than Julia aged and moved out and Elune was able to gave bi...